As a Brand...
We are focused on creating "Capsule" Collections based upon themes or elements of design that currently inspire us. Each capsule will be different from the previous while retaining a few of our "Signature" elements. We mix our self-created pieces with vintage goods in order to establish a "Lifestyle" identity within each collection. It's a healthy balance of "old & new" that brings the idea into full scope. We will always include one if not more collaborations with each collection in order to add another sense of artistry into the mixture. We firmly believe in working with other local artisans in order to build a sense of community because at the end of the day, we are proud of where we come from. Those three elements (old, new, partnership) will be the core of who we are moving forward.
The term "Field Rations" isn't known today nearly as much as it was 70 years ago. Around the time of WWII, soldiers were being equipped with field ration "kits". These kits provided them mainly with food amongst a few other supplies. These "kits" were essential to their survival. We took this concept and integrated it into a "branding" format. We ourselves want to provide well curated "supplies" for those who appreciate our capsule concepts. Seeing as how the term "Field Rations" has lost it's sense of importance over the years, we use the moniker "1945" to pay homage to it's glory days. We use the two interchangeably when referring to ourselves or goods that we have have had our hands on.
Limited Edition
We believe in the idea of desirable goods. There is very little "exclusivity" in today's mass market. We desire to change this. It will never be about money for us, but the idea of creating "Limited Edition" print runs is at the forethought of our design process. Within that concept, we will never produce more than 45 units of any good. The "19th" print of every run will be archived for our own personal collection. That way in time, we will have a "back catalog" of everything designed and created by us.
"19 of 45"
Design Studio
We consider ourselves to be a "Design Studio" first and foremost. We are constantly looking to create "our take" on a certain good or product. We are always open to collaborating with other fellow designers. This allows for great growth in terms of becoming a true "artisan of design". There are no limits to what we can and can't do, at least in our minds. Just because one path leads to a no, doesn't necessarily mean that this is the end of that journey. It simply means that you must find an alternate route to attain a yes. This is just one of the philosophies we stand by as we begin the challenge of creating our own brand and putting our stamp on the design world.
We are always looking for new projects that allow us to step out of our comfort zone. If you have an idea that you would like to make a reality, please be in touch with us.
We travel far and wide to attain the unique items that reside within our website. Each item encompasses a day in our lives as well as a story we wish to tell. We would never sell anything we wouldn't personally own ourselves. These items allow us to paint the picture of our brand. Style is and has always been about mixing highs and lows, as well as old and new. This is a philosophy we have always stood by. We strive to offer goods that touch on all parts of your daily life to the point that their is no denying the fact that we are a...
"Lifestyle Brand"